eshinbe's Profile on collection of articles about smoking: May 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Why Smoking can leaving a system of Skin Care ?

It is a common knowledge that smoking is extremely dangerous to health. But did you know that aside from the usual lung and heart ailments developed from prolonged exposure to cigarette smoke, the addictive habit has also been found to pose adverse effects to the skin. Thus, many experts and dermatologists assert that quitting smoking is a good skin care measure.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

You will not get Fat if you quit Smoking and Eat too much.

Another rationalization often repeated by smoking. I quit, but whenever I can gain weight and is worse than obesity than smoking is ..  The good news is that all smokers who quit gain weight. Even if weight gain is inevitable, the average gains only 6 to 8 pounds. Not really a problem now, is not it?